Game Analytics

Discover the best games to stream on Twitch

Grow your Twitch by streaming the right games, attracting more viewers, and gaining new followers.

Twitch Game Analytics

Find the best game to get viewers on Twitch

StreamBee Analytics collects data about all the games and directories you stream in, providing a detailed breakdown of how well your streams perform for each metric. Quickly discover which games are the perfect fit for your Twitch channel and its future growth. Just hover over one of the bars to get started!

Discover game analytics

What To Stream

Choose the right game for your stream

When deciding what games to stream, it’s important to consider more than just viewer count. There are other factors that you should consider too. What is your directory position in the game directory? Do you even have a chance to get discovered if you stream a saturated game? How active is your chat? How many followers are you getting? Use StreamBee to find the best games for your channel based on all key metrics. Click on a game to highlight it across all the charts!

Discover what to stream

How To Find the Best Game For Streaming

Time filter

Filter out games you’ve streamed for less than X hours

Date filter

Display only the games you’ve streamed in the past 90 days

Hours watched

Review how many hours your fans spent watching each game

Followers gained

Review your growth for each game

Best Games For Your Stream

Discover your top streaming game by hovering over one of the stacked bar charts to compare time streamed with hours watched and followers gained. Any game with a higher percentage of hours watched and followers gained than time streamed is a winner. Want to dive deeper? Check 6 detailed charts with individual metrics, or check out the table view.


Data for all of your games


Metrics about growth, viewership & engagement


Access 3 different views

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Review average and peak viewers for each game


Compare games based on your follower growth


Rank directories based on chat activity and messages


Analyze your directory position for each game you stream

Discover your best games for streaming

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