When To Stream

Master your streaming schedule for growth

StreamBee helps you find the best streaming time slots, the ideal days to stream, and even how long your streams should be.


What Time To Stream

Compare weekend vs. weekdays data

Do you get more viewers at 5 pm during the weekend or on weekdays? Discover which part of the week performs best for your streams with StreamBee’s “Weekdays vs. Weekends” chart. This breakdown helps you determine if your streaming schedule needs adjustment to maximize your viewership.

Discover time to stream

Days Of the Week

Find the best day/time combination for your schedule

Review up to the past 90 days of your streaming schedule to discover what day of the week and what hours get you the highest viewer count. Are you considering shifting your streamer hours, or would you like to compare your Wednesday timeslot to the Thursday one? Our “Days of the Week” chart has you covered.

Discover best day combinations

Best Day To Stream

Review each day of the week

StreamBee’s “What Day to Stream” dashboard provides a detailed breakdown of your stream performance for each day of the week. Analyze key metrics such as followers per hour, chat messages per hour, peak viewers, average watch time, and more to determine the best days to stream for your audience. Whether you care about chat engagement and having a fun stream or about getting as many followers as possible, we have data for all use cases.

Discover best day to stream

Grow with when to stream feature


Compare days based on followers per hour and followers per day


Compare days based on average or peak viewers, average watch time, and more


Compare days based on chatters per day and chat messages per hour


Compare days based on how often you stream

How Long To Stream For

Find the optimal length for your stream

StreamBee’s “How Long to Stream” feature groups your streams based on their length, providing a clear visualization to help you determine what length works best for your content. Maybe it’s time to start cutting your streams shorter and use the saved time for producing content for other platforms. Identify if shorter or longer streams perform better to create a schedule that maximizes viewer engagement.

Discover how to stream for

Stream Performance Over Time

Discover how your streams evolve over hours

Find out how much time it takes you to reach your average viewer count from the moment you go live. Does your viewer count keep climbing, or does it start to fall after you’ve been live on Twitch for 6 hours? When do the majority of your new followers arrive during your stream? Our “Stream Performance Over Time” chart answers all these questions and some more!

Discover stream performance

When To Stream Makes the Difference

StreamBee provides all the tools you need to optimize your Twitch streaming experience. Stop wasting energy on streaming during suboptimal times. Analyze your data, create the best-performing schedule, and stream confidently, knowing that you maximize your viewership potential.


Charts for in-depth analysis


Tabs packed with valuable insights


Find the best streaming time

Take a closer look


Analyze your viewership across different time slots


Compare different days of the week


Discover what works the best for your growth


Adjust your schedule to stop wasting your valuable time

Optimize your streaming times with Streambee

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